
Salomé, the Animated Movie - Part One

By The Lost Dutchman

With Lisa Lomé as Salomé...

Ik heb er altijd van gedroomd Salomé, van Oscar Wilde, eens te regisseren. En zie, nu had ik toch wel het voorrecht, zeker, om hiervoor te kunnen samenwerken met de LateNight StageFright Company van Hard Boiled Harry & His Animated Heroes...

En zodus:

Here is the famous classic play, written by Oscar Wilde, adapted and performed by the Late Night Stage Fright Company, starring Lisa Lomé, Hard Boiled Harry, the DumDum Blonde,...
No talking about Jews, Iokanaan or Herodes here. No, it's all about the Mobsters, the Godfather, Hell's Angels and Hard Boiled Harry!

Part One: How Beautiful Salomé is tonight...

The LateNight StageFright Site

Read More + To Be Continued Here:

Salomé, the Animated Movie

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