
Erembodegem zendt zijn zonen uit: Marc & Luc Borms are having the blues in the Mississippi Delta…

Catfish & Cotton; A 4,500 Mile Pilgrimage to the Mississippi Delta

By Matt Marshall
May 23, 2011Posted in: Delta Blues, News
The Delta Blues Museum
The Delta Blues Museum in Clarksdale, Mississippi, one of the many stops on the brothers' journey.
Going to the Mississippi Delta is a pilgrimage that many fans of music and the blues have made, both young and old. The delta has seen Presidents, internationally acclaimed artists, celebrities, and a great deal of musicians and admirers, reveling, wide-eyed, in Muddy Waters’ cabin, walking the streets where B.B. King played in doorways, and experiencing firsthand, all of the genuine genteel southern hospitality that the delta has to offer.
Marc and Luc Borms are staunchly devoted blues fans and musicians who are making that pilgrimage. Theirs is no ordinary journey, however. The two hail from a seemingly unlikely place to find the blues; they live in a small town named Erembodegem, located in Belgium, Europe. How a music born from hardship in a poverty-stricken land, on another continent and across an ocean can so profoundly impact others living half a planet away is a mysterious and complicated accomplishment, but an accomplishment nonetheless.
Lees meer (met o.a. een volledig interview):
Catfish & Cotton; A 4,500 Mile Pilgrimage to the Mississippi Delta

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